Friday, February 26, 2010


I have been sewing for about 13 years now. During this time I have been using my mom's old sewing machine. It's been great. It does what I need it to do and I really haven't had any problems with it. I found out the other day that it is 25+ years old. Now that I have become a more serious sewer and have grand plans for the future it's time to upgrade.

Say goodbye to old faithful...

and HELLO to my new machine!

I was talking to my dad the other day about wanting to open an etsy shop and try to make some money doing what I love to do. He said if I was going to do that I need to be able to compete with the rest of the people selling and need a really good machine. So he bought me this one. It has over 70 different stiches, 8 different button holes, it threads itself, has an LCD touch screen, is computerized, and it does embroidery!!! I am going to be able to do SOOOO much more with this machine. I can't wait to get started! If any of you would like to buy the old machine or know someone who would let me know, it would be a great starter machine.

I am off to play with my new sewing machine.

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